I agree to the placement rules
The King Mango Strut reserves the sole right to place parade participants in any order deemed appropriate. Placement is not on a first-come, first-served basis. Entries will receive their parade order numbers prior to the day of the event.
I agree to the solicitation rules
Solicitation of funds or selling of merchandise during the parade is not permitted. Political advertising/ solicitation is PROHIBITED. Violators are subject to removal from the parade.
I agree to the prohibited throwing objects rule
For safety and liability reasons absolutely, nothing may be thrown while walking or riding in the parade. This includes candy or any other objects. Violators are subject to removal from the parade.
I agree to the restricted objects policy
None of the following items may be handed out or be a part of your contingent without the prior written approval of Parade Producers: Political Signs… zero tolerance, live animals, bottled water, confetti, silly string, air horns, or amplified sound. Furthermore, the The King Mango Strut prohibits the following items along the parade route: glass bottles, balloons filled with anything other than helium or air, body armor, weapons of any kind, bricks, stones, projectile launching equipment (including water guns), or operational gas masks. Violators are subject to removal from the parade.
I agree to the good taste policy
Nudity, lewdness, or obscenity is prohibited by state and local laws. All entries must exhibit good taste or be removed from the parade. Parade organizers shall have sole discretion to
determine violations of this rule.
I agree to the Contingent monitors rule
Each contingent MUST provide monitors for their group.
People in or on motor vehicles are considered persons in your group. The contingent monitors will walk alongside the parade contingent. Their role will be to ensure proper and safe behavior and adherence to the parade rules. Your monitors must be present for a mandatory orientation on the afternoon of the parade. Failure to provide sufficient monitors or to attend the orientation is grounds
for removal from the parade.
I agree to the live animals policy
You must have written permission from The King Mango Strut to include live animals in your contingent. All animals must be on a leash or appropriately restrained. All contingents are responsible for cleaning up after your animals. Any obvious animal abuse will be reported to the City of Miami Police and will result in removal from the parade
I agree to the behavior policy
Courteous and respectful behavior is required at all times. Individuals or groups exhibiting abusive or inappropriate behavior towards parade organizers, spectators, participates, or others may be removed from the parade.
I agree to the digital media policy
All participants in the King Mango Strut Parade consent and authorize the use of their likeless in any photograph, video, or other digital media taken or to be taken during or in conjunction with the King Mango Strut Parade in any and all of its publications, included print or web-based publications. All participants authorize the King Mango Strut Parade to copy, edit, enhance, crop of otherwise alter any Photo for use in their publications without any rights for approval or inspection of any Photos.